Thursday, September 29, 2016

Blending the PopBook

I am using a blend shape to make the pop up book transition into the CGI/live action shot. For some reason the pivots on my blend shapes are moving around, and it is causing a problem with the mechanics.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Pop-Up Books are Tricky

I have been struggling with the off axis angle, and it is just turning into a mess of groups that are not spinning on the proper axis. I am just going to start over with a new file that is on axis, get it to open properly, then group it import everything and warp the pages to match.
The mechanics are good, There are a couple places where the paper will need to bend, but nothing that would make it break. Now I have to apply it to the model...


The story has changes, so I updated the "Background" section of the home page

My nieces and I have developed several characters and stories through our dialogue. I would have them give me suggestions of what we should draw, and I would deliberately steer the material into absurdity by imposing reality on the make-believe. A common theme to all the stories has been animals, trying to live in the real world and failing (often with morbid implications). Tuba-Goose has been the subject of a lot of our conversations, and he has one of the most developed personalities. I do not remember the exact details of why he has a tuba, but I remember it was related to the way cartoon animals dress up to seem more human. He has the personality of a goose, so his choice of accessories was not very practical, and his insistence to continue to carry it around embodies a defiant obstinate that is important to our relationship. It was not a conscious decision, but in reflection, I think I was foreshadowing the bittersweet reality of growing up in a way that they will not understand until it has happened.

The goose does not achieve his dream, and my nieces will have unrealistic goals that they will compromise as they mature. I don't want to discourage their dreams, but when they inevitably find their limitations, I want them to know that failure is not a flaw; it is a consequence of trying.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Pop-Up Page

The angle of the camera to the building is not perpendicular. I have tried 2 approaches to getting the pop up page to match the shot. Both have problems, but either could work.
First I manipulated the geometry, the other was more focused on the texture... (the shot does not work with a playblast.
I will probably end with a hybrid of the two techniques.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Speech Act Theory and Subjective Interpretation

Recent conclusions have undermined my initial criticism of other digital pop-up books, and the idea that J. L. Austin's performative formula might help categorize certain elements as detrimental to the narrative.

It was my perception that the interactive animations in some of the digital Pop-Up books do not do anything to further the story. I thought some of them looked tacked on, rather than integrated, and the resulting form is more of a toy than a book.


Initially, I criticized the example though principals of Mise-en-scène (every element should give the audience new information, supporting the narration), and I hoped that an overarching linguistic form could clarify the function of cinematic, interactive media, and literary elements, discerning irrelevant and tangential Speech Acts.
After analyzing my own work through the theory, I cannot ignore the fact that the same justifications for my own use of interactive media in the form could be used to support the things I did not like.
The interactive animations in the above books give the reader an experience from the narration, and therefore could be viewed as an immersive narrative device.

Presentation on 09/13/16

I have been working on my presentation.
There are a scenes things I need to address, but I did not have the imagery to illustrate them. So I put together a couple rough scenes.

Goose Hero

Tuba on the Ground

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pop-Up Playblast

U have been workin on the pop-up scene... I have had some complications getting the pop-up page to match the live footage. I am not nuts about the roller-coaster camera shot, but this is the best transition I have so far.

A few quick renders (These take place after the page turn which will be the hardest part to animate)

Rough Draft of the Idea in Context

I tried to find a way to make it work from an angle that didn't involve flying around so much, but nothing really matched the shot, or would work as a pop up.