Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Changing the CVS to a Butcher Shop

It occurred to me that the shot where he gets kicked out of the store, would work much better it it were a butcher shop. So I am looking for images, and locations.

The red and white awning is iconic

I like the checkered floor and the font

I might be able to get away with adding a sign, and changing the stuff in the window (the interior is was all done in Maya anyway, so it wouldn't be that hard).

I like the idea of meat hanging in the window that is not visible from Tuba-Goose's approach, but visible to the audience


Maybe a close up of the door as it closes behind him with the words "Deli and Butcher Shop"

I might take a video inside a butcher shop for reference or to use as a texture

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Anti-Fairy Tales

"The anti-fairy tale has long existed as a shadow of the traditional fairy tale genre. First categorized as the ‘antimärchen’ in Andre Jolles’ seminal Einfache Formen (c.1930), the anti-tale was found to be contemporaneous with even the oldest known examples of fairy tale collections. Rarely an outward opposition to the traditional form itself, the anti-tale takes aspects of the fairy tale genre and re-imagines, subverts, inverts, deconstructs or satirizes elements of them to present an alternate narrative interpretation, outcome or morality. Red Riding Hood may elope with the wolf. Or Bluebeard’s wife is not interested in his secret chamber. Snow White’s stepmother gives her own account of events and Cinderella does not exactly find the prince charming."
22 essays on the use of  disenchantment

System of classification for fairy-tales

Friday, December 4, 2015

Non-anthropomorphic emotion

I am working on making shots of the goose displaying emotion, without anthropomorphism...